sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010


I think that our dominant brain hemisphere or side doesnt tell who we are because both sides complement each other, but it influence our way of thinking and help us to develop certain abilities.

4 comentarios:

  1. hello my friend,
    your blog is really interesting,to explain very well the two hemispheres of the brain,and the famous who have excelled very well take over.good job

  2. Hi Horacio!!
    your blog is very interesting because explains the function of each hemisphere of the brain.
    According to what I read, I use more hemisphere is the left, because I love being creative and I learn better with pictures or dynamic class.
    Good job, really interesting and nice, hahaha.

  3. hey! your blog is really terrific, and the first picture is cool xD, apropos, You've explain very well the hemispheres functions and how the right side of the brain processes the informetion from outside and there are very good exampes about things which do the left side and how encodes them.

  4. Hellow;* Horacio!
    I like you blog, it's very beautiful ^^
    and you're right, both hemispheres complement each other one
    and our right side is from our feelings and beautiful thoughs and dreams
    and you're right too about that the left side is
    who controls the majority of our acts involucrate with analytics functions and to think about to the correct form to do all things to avoid bad situations

    we have to think more about our actions and their consequences... remember "All occurs for anyreason" ;)
